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How do I logout of Facebook Messenger on Android?
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3 posts
Sep 27, 2023
2:19 AM
Finding no direct log-out option in the messenger app can be really annoying. But don't worry it's not impossible, there is an option that you can use to log out from messenger app.
1. Open Facebook and go to the menu option.
2. Scroll down and Click on the "Settings & Privacy" Tab.
3. Then, Select the "Settings" option.
4. Select "Password and Security" from the account tab.
5. Go to the "Where You're Logged In" section and locate your device name.
6. Then, Click on the 3 dot icon. A pop up window will display on your screen.
7. Click on the "LogOut" option.

For more read - https://allinsider.net/how-to-log-out-of-messenger-on-iphone/

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