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The Duration of Stomach Bugs: How Long Does a Stom
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Nvn Tech Solutions
May 24, 2023
9:52 PM
Stomach bugs, also known as viral gastroenteritis, are caused by several different viruses. Symptoms typically include vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea, stomach pain, and fever. One of the most common questions people have about how long does a stomach bug last?"
The duration of a stomach bug can vary depending on several factors, including the virus causing the infection, the person's age and overall health, and the severity of the symptoms. Generally, most stomach bugs last for about 1-3 days, with symptoms peaking during the first 24 hours and gradually improving over the next few days.
However, some cases may last longer, up to 10 days or more, especially in people with weakened immune systems. It's important to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest during a stomach bug, as well as practising good hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus.
If you're experiencing severe symptoms or if your symptoms last longer than a few days, it's important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can help determine the cause of your symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.
1 post
May 24, 2023
10:43 PM
Yes, dogs can eat sticky rice in small amounts and as part of a balanced diet. Sticky rice, also known as glutinous rice, is a type of rice commonly used in Asian cuisine. can dogs eat sticky rice
It has a sticky texture when cooked due to its high starch content Here are a few things to keep in mind Moderation Sticky rice should only be given to dogs in moderation. While it is safe for dogs to consume, it should not make up a large portion of their diet. Stick to small amounts as an occasional treat or addition to their regular food.

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